The Curious Cultivator

We invite you to take some time to read our blog ‘The Curious Cultivator’ that features articles with our latest research, stories of people at big companies making positive change (what we call our Cultivator Profiles), guides and toolkits, and much more. Let us know what you’d like to see more of as we look to publish the latest on how to continue to build a more empowering culture, drive change and communications, and build community at work.

A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

3 Inspiring Examples of Workplace Communities in Action

For better or for worse, whether you are committed to the mission or just showing up for a paycheck, our jobs are an integral part of our identities. And more than anything else, we are social beings who want a sense of belonging. We want to care about and be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

Here Are Five Cultivators, or Changemakers, You Should Know About (Part 1)

We totally nerd out when it comes to Cultivators stories. So, when we come across them, whether in a Twitter thread or a news article, we save them and share them. We truly believe that amplifying Cultivator voices will inspire other Cultivators (like you) to make change happen within their organizations. 

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

Case Study: How Alcon Built a Community of Changemakers Around the World

As a global leader in eye care, Alcon relies on innovation and collaboration—and to stay on top of the market, the company needs its associates at the top of their games.

Alcon R&D wanted to create a culture that nurtured and grew ideas and talent—but in a global enterprise, top-down initiatives rarely lead to real change. A true community of changemakers needs to be built from the ground up. That’s where Cultivate came in.

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Steve Garguilo Steve Garguilo

Please, Not Another “Where Ideas Go To Die” Platform

Truly listening to employees and their ideas remains a struggle for many large organizations. With so much to do, it can be easy to ignore the insights and ideas that our front-line employees are sitting on, even when we know there can be tremendous opportunity in those insights and ideas.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

How We Made This: The Empowered Cultivator Lab

Welcome to our learning design shop at Cultivate! We recently developed a new program called the Empowered Cultivator Lab. You may have heard about it.

For those of you curious about how we create this sort of thing, here's a behind-the-scenes look.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

How Do You Nudge Yourself Into A New Habit?

The beginning of the year is frequently when many of us focus on building new habits and taking new actions. And while we may feel steadfast in our commitments to these new behaviors at the outset, keeping up with them over time can be challenging.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

Workplace Communities: The Research

I don’t know about you folks, but I LOVE research, and that’s a good thing because I had a chance to do a lot of it over the past several months as we designed our Community Accelerator program.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

5 Creative Right-Brain Warm-Ups That You Can Do Virtually (Part 2)

At Cultivate, we talk a lot about turning ideas into action—but first, you need that essential spark. And then you need to give that spark the space to turn into a fire. But amid the repetition of day to day life, it can be hard to make space to nourish creative thought.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

You Will Bring Your Best Idea to Life at Changeathon

What sets a true changemaker apart? Action. The trailblazers who create real cultural change don't wait to be asked for their opinions. Instead, they take decisive action based on their convictions.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

30 Ways to Share Gratitude With Your Team

Recently, I was inspired by a fellow Cultivator, Clemens Wan, who writes Lists of 30s for breakfast. When he told me he was going to write a list of 30 ways to grow a virtual community, I made a calendar reminder to follow up with him about it in two weeks. He had it published in less than 24 hours.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

Maybe Is A Loser’s Word

I don't know how to play chess, but that hasn't stopped me from watching The Queen's Gambit twice. When Benny gets salty with Beth for not coming to New York City, he says something profound: Maybe is a loser’s word, Beth.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

Why Our Designs Need To Be Inclusive In A Digital World

When I learned how to design for a better over-all human-centered experience, I became more aware of the barriers and challenges people face when interacting with various products. Over time, I noticed my visual impairments and began focusing on creating more accessible products across the board. It proved that designing with everyone in mind coincidentally makes an attractive product for all to use.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

Change Is Good: A Personal Story from Abel Sánchez

While growing up, my family moved a lot. That meant attending new schools, making new friends, and establishing new routines. At age six, my parents moved our family from Mexico to the United States.

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A Curious Cultivator A Curious Cultivator

This Is Why You Should Follow Adam Grant On LinkedIn

Ah, LinkedIn. It’s a noisy place: the one-line hooks like “he walked into a meeting and wrecked the culture” prompting you to see more, the low production smartphone videos about how to do sales better, and the posts that are “better” fit for Facebook.

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