Here Are Five Cultivators, or Changemakers, You Should Know About (Part 1)

We totally nerd out when it comes to Cultivators stories. So, when we come across them, whether in a Twitter thread or a news article, we save them and share them. We truly believe that amplifying Cultivator voices will inspire other Cultivators (like you) to make change happen within their organizations. 

Cultivator noun: An unnamed leader scattered throughout the landscape of a really big organization. She shows up every day committed to the organization's vision, bringing fresh insights and ideas to work that may or may not directly apply to her job description. She is constantly finding ways to challenge the status quo. 

Recently, we shared ten of our favorite Cultivator stories on our LinkedIn to celebrate the launch of our free 10-day email-based empowerment course.

Here are the first five.


Cultivator: Richard Montanez
Role: Janitor at Frito-Lay
Impact: Flaming Hot Cheetos rejuvenated the brand, which now leads their $17 billion/yr. snack portfolio. Richard eventually became a Vice President at the company.

*See this video on LinkedIn


Cultivator: Grace Hopper
Role: Computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral
Impact: One of the first to advocate for more user-friendly computer languages. Hopper promoted the language and its adoption by both military and private-sector users. 

*See this video on LinkedIn


Cultivator: Carmen Medina
Role: Deputy Director of Intelligence at the CIA
Impact: She spearheaded the initiative Intellipedia, which still serves as a foundation for the way the intelligence community cooperates.

*See this video on LinkedIn


Cultivator: Freddie Spotser
Role: Senior Scientist at Alcon
Impact: Freddie's work has inspired other colleagues to bring their ideas forward in the company and has started a movement of people pursuing their ideas. Alcon has been recognized worldwide for its commitment to patients.

*See this video on LinkedIn


Cultivator: Doug Dietz
Role: Designer at GE 
Impact: Catapulted GE Healthcare into a market-leading position with their MRI machine and led Doug into the next phase of his career, during which he built out a whole new Design Thinking practice at GE.

*See video on LinkedIn

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