Late To The Party? Set Your 2021 Changemaker Goals in 10 Minutes

Before the-year-that-must-not-be-named came to an end, the Cultivators Community hosted a Goal-Setting Workshop.

“That sounds boring.”

Well, sure, some goal-setting workshops are. But, not this one. We told stories about random internet people and computer monitors getting caught in the rain, listened to Low-Fi Chill on Spotify, and paired changemakers up as certified accountability partners. It was a party, and you’re late!


But that’s OK. You’re here now. So, I want to share one of the frameworks we used to flesh out our workplace goals for 2021. In this workshop, we focused specifically on goals for changemakers who want to make change happen in their organization.

Before we get started, can you think of one thing you’d like to change about your experience at work?

Some ideas 💡

  • We need a better onboarding process

  • I want my team to give feedback differently

  • I’d like more flexible working hours

  • We could use a better tech stack for improved efficiency

  • I want more access to mentorship opportunities at work

Have you heard of GROW?🌱

Whenever I do anything goal-setting related, the SMART framework is front and center. You know the one:


It’s a tried and true method. But, in the spirit of changemakers who dare to challenge the status quo, I wanted to try something different.

*Googles for 30 seconds* 

*Stumbles upon GROW*

The GROW model is a simple method for goal-setting and problem-solving. It was initially developed by John Whitmore, outlined in his book ‘Coaching for Performance’ published in 1992. Since the 1980s, it shows up mostly for corporate coaching and mentoring. But, I genuinely thought it was relevant to our goal-setting workshop. I tried it out myself, and it felt that a suitable substitution.

Similarly to SMART, the letters stand for parts of the process:


  • Goal – what do you want to change about your organization?

  • Reality – What is the current situation? What barriers might prevent you from achieving this goal?

  • Options – Once you have explored the current situation, what are the options that can be taken towards the goal? What resources are available to you? What changes can you make to your behaviors to overcome barriers?

  • Will – How much motivation is there to get there? What will you do?

We received great feedback from the group on this model– most had never heard of GROW before & appreciated trying something other than the generic SMART framework.

Here’s an example I drafted using the “I want my team to give feedback differently” example:

Goal Setting Workshop.png

Got tools? 🛠️

At the end of our workshop, we reviewed a few digital tools that can help you track and measure your goals over time. Here are a few we discussed:

1. Momentum

Momentum helps you manage small, daily habits. It’s super user-friendly and highly rated. At one point, it was only available on Apple devices. But, I believe it’s open to Android users as well now.

2. Way of Life

Way of Life is a similar program, used primarily for managing small, daily habits. Over time, it will help you identify positive and negative lifestyle trends. 

3. is a bit more in-depth & better for long-term goals. You’ll have access to a community of other goal-setters and can add friends & family to “group goals.” 

Now that you are equipped with the GROW model & some handy digital tools, you can do anything! OK, maybe not anything. But, you can undoubtedly start 2021 with a fresh mindset and some new objectives in mind. Go get ‘em.

Watch the Goal-Setting Workshop recap here.

P.S. Don’t miss the party next time! Keep up with Cultivators Community events by joining our squad. You can learn more about the community here.

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