The Empowered Cultivator Lab

We are on a mission to help you & your team show up more empowered at work. Unleash your team’s full potential by learning the key attributes of empowerment in the workplace.

Embark on this journey individually and bring the learnings back to your team, or take the leap together and learn as a group.

Illustration of dancing person

Challenge the status quo as an Empowered Cultivator

Empowered employees aren't satisfied being on the outside looking in. They are explorers and action-takers. We call these people Cultivators because they cultivate change, community, and ultimately their organizations' culture.

In this program, your team will learn real-world examples of Cultivator stories, a new definition of possibility within their organization, deeper knowledge about their own level of empowerment, and powerful tools to experiment with.

Empowered Cultivator Lab

Bring your team together with The Empowered Cultivator Lab Live. This program is specifically designed to meet the challenges teams face when cultivating a culture of empowerment. The multi-week program equips teams will the skills they need to have agency in decision-making, confidence in one’s work, genuine connection with their colleagues, and intrinsic motivation to contribute to the organization’s mission.

đź•‘ 4-8 weeks
🧬 Live, online
🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Teams

Illustration of a scientist

It’s all in the genes:
Cultivator DNA

Cultivators are who they are, regardless of the organizational culture they are immersed in, but some cultures do a better job of giving their most motivated employees what they need to truly thrive. Here's how we break down the common qualities these individuals share & the cultural norms their organizations can foster to maximize their empowerment.

Cultivator DNA: They tinker and try stuff; They empower themselves and others; They open their minds; They make serious waves

Everything you need to know about the Dimensions of Empowerment

In a culture of autonomy, Cultivators have the latitude to try, fail, and tinker in an environment that rewards both experimentation and success.

When the culture promotes continuous learning and knowledge-sharing, confidence and skill grow by leaps and bounds.

When all of these autonomous, competent individuals can form strong, genuine connections with their colleagues as community members, their engagement and collaboration skyrocket.

When all of these elements come together in an organization with a clear mission & transparent goals, Cultivators experience real purpose from their work.

Illustration of a scientist with a flask.

Empowered Cultivator Lab
Email Course

You can access the Empowered Cultivator Lab curriculum for free by signing up for our 10-day experiential email course. You’ll receive ten daily emails jam-packed with Cultivator stories, resources on empowerment, and experiments that encourage you to take action out in the real world. This course is self-paced & accessible to everyone, so feel free to share it with your team, a colleague, or a friend.

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.

Alice Walker