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Community Toolbox: Member Journey Maps

A journey map is one of the most common tools in any experience-minded designer’s toolbox, because they are such a great way to visualize an individual’s experience at every step in a given process. From UX design, to service design, to museum design, journey maps show up any time someone wants to identify the highs, lows, and opportunities for improvement in some aspect of a particular customer/user/human experience. In our member journey map template, we’ve taken that tried and true model and applied it to community design. How do potential members find out about your community in the first place? What steps do they take in order to join the community? How do they feel as they onboard, integrate, and ultimately engage with the community over time? These are all questions we like to visualize the answers to as we search for opportunities to continuously improve our own Cultivators community experience, so we wanted to give all of you community builders out there a chance to try it for yourselves.

You can download a copy of the journey map template, or just peruse a few examples of the tool in action below: